Thursday 16 June 2011

Kane's Kitchen - 14th June 2011 - Fresh Pappardelle Carbonara with Crusty Garlic Bread

I love making fresh pasta.  There is nothing quite like it – it is soft, silky and not at all rubbery like some packet pastas can be.  It is a time-consuming process however, so if you don’t have time to make your own, pick up some fresh pasta from your local deli. 

This recipe calls for a raw egg yolk to finish the pasta sauce.  Don’t be alarmed – the egg will cook due to the heat from the pasta. 

I guarantee this sauce will be a favourite – the bread crumbs give the dish a great texture!


Fresh Pappardelle Carbonara with Crusty Garlic Bread

Serves:  4    
Prep Time:  40 mins
Cook Time:  10 mins

What You’ll Need:

Fresh Pasta

  • 400g “00” flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1tsp olive oil
  • Cold water (if necessary)

Carbonara Sauce

  • 400ml full cream
  • 10 slices pancetta, sliced
  • ½ red onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 8 button mushrooms, sliced
  • ¼ cup grated parmesan
  • 4 egg yolks, whisked
  • ¼ cup white wine
  • 2 tsp cracked black pepper
  • 1 cup panko bread crumbs, teasted
  • 1tbsp olive oil
  • Knob butter
  • ¼ cup chopped parsley
  • 1 loaf of garlic bread - prepared as per instructions

What You’ll Need To Do:

1.            For the fresh pasta, put the flour on a bench.  Make a well in the centre and crack 4 eggs into the centre of the flour well. Add salt and olive oil and combine with the fork.  Add a splash of water if the mixture is looking dry.    
2.            Kneed the flour and then pass through a pasta machine until you have it at the desired thickness (usually setting “3”).  Remember to always have a floured bench and to flour the pasta machine before passing the pasta through it. 
3.            Cut the pasta into 1 inch strips (pappardelle is a thicker version of fettuccine).  Set aside. 
4.            Combine the olive oil and breadcrumbs on a baking tray.  Season with salt and bake for 180 degrees for 5 minutes or until golden.  Set aside. 
5.            Saute pancetta, garlic, onions and mushroom with the butter until crispy and caramelised.  Set aside. 
6.            Toast the black pepper in a frypan for 30 seconds and add cream and white wine.  Reduce for 5 minutes and then add grated parmesan cheese. 
7.            Add the cream mixture to the pancetta mix and stir.  Remove from the heat.
8.            Cook fresh pasta for 4 minutes or until al dente. 
9.            Arrange pasta in a bowl and add some carbonara sauce.  Add 1 egg yolk per serve to the mix and stir through (this gives the pasta a creamy texture – the egg yolk will cook due to the heat from the pasta and sauce). 
10.        Garnish pasta with grated parmesan, parsley and a good amount of the toasted breadcrumbs.  Serve with crusty garlic bread.  

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